
About Water Usage and Conservation

Water is an important aspect of life, and not just human life. Water is necessary for crops, livestock, aquaculture, and so much more. And while our main focus here at Advanced Power is generally solar water pumps that help make irrigation, farming, and other applications simpler, today we are going to take a look the other main aspect of our business — the water. 

While our solar water pumps can offer benefits to just about everyone, we are going to pump the brakes on the pump talk for a second and talk about water, its usages, conservation, and why it all matters. To do this, we are going to be taking a look at an article from Business Connect that talk all about water usage and conservation. This article will make you rethink your water usages, cause you to be more aware of how much you are actually wasting, and hopefully help you feel the need to start conserving, we know it affected us in these ways. Read on to learn more about water conservation and usage!

First, let’s start by taking a second to think about all of the water we use. It is more than you think. We will look at how you use water individually and in your home and then look at how your city uses water. 


Individual and House Uses:

  • Showering
  • Flushing the toilet
  • Washing hands
  • Brushing teeth
  • Washing dishes
  • Washing clothes
  • Wiping counters
  • Drinking
  • Cooking
  • Watering yard
  • Mopping floors
  • Making coffee and tea
  • Washing produce

You get the point, the list is endless. You use water daily and you use a lot of it. We all do. And that is a normal family, imagine being a family that lives on a farm and has to water their crops daily. Now, let’s take a look at how the city uses water. 

City Uses:

  • Pools
  • Sewage systems
  • Fire-fighting
  • Restaurants
  • Decorative fountains
  • Irrigation
  • Livestock
  • Gardens
  • Hotels
  • Hospitals

This is just a rough list, but there are so many different applications of water through your city. Without water, life would be a lot different! However, like any other natural resource, water is a limited resource.. This is why it is important for everyone to be aware of how much water they are using, how water usage works, and why water conservation is important. 


The Business Connect article talks about how much water different countries use. America is on the top of that list, as always. According to the article the US (in 2010) used about 1,343,821 million liters of water per day. The average American family uses about 1136 liters of water per day in their home. The average person uses about 600 liters a day. If that doesn’t seem like that much water, let’s take a look at how much a single person from other countries use per day. 

  • Australia: 470 liters
  • Italy: 390 liters
  • Japan: 375 liters
  • Mexico: 360 liters
  • Spain: 325 liters
  • Norway: 300 liters
  • Austria: 230 liters

Developing countries use even less. Places like Rwanda, Haiti, and Uganda use about two to 15 liters a day per person. Now do you see how much water we use? However, the problem is that our excessive water use does not only affect Americans, it affects the entire world. 

Watersheds, which collect water from streams, rivers, creeks, rain, and every other source of water, are the primary way to replenish our water supply. Watersheds are all over, under your feet, and they are all connected. Because they are all connected, the water we use and the actions we take directly affect those downstream from us, and their use affects those downstream from them, and the chain continues. 

Because of this cause and effect water usage chain, it is important that people try to conserve water, especially those who live in the countries with the most water usage. There are many ways to conserve water, from getting your pipes fixed and updating your appliances to taking shorter showers and turning off the faucet when not in use. Being more conscious of your water use and trying to cut back when it is not necessary (like washing your car once a week) can help you minimize your water usage. 

Overall Conservation

This is just a glimpse at how we use water and why water conservation is important. In fact, we should be working to conserve more than just water. We should be working to conserve all of the natural resources, including air, soil, minerals, fuels, plants, and animals. We need to protect and practice care when using these resources. While they are an important factor in our lives, they are also not abundant, if we want this planet and society to survive for thousands of years, we need to be more aware of our use of natural resources. 

If you want to learn more about the natural resources and their conservation, check out this National Geographic article. We are experts in energy and solar, so we are going to take a quick second to talk about solar and conserving energy is important. While many people may see the major benefit of energy as a way to save money, there are other benefits that deal with natural resources. 


When you use electricity, most of it is being produced from sources like oil and coal. Fossil fuels are another way that we get electricity, but this is not a renewable resource, meaning that once we run out, we will not be able to produce electricity this way. Fossil fuels are also not a clean source of energy and create pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. If we conserve energy, we can reduce this pollution. However, there are other ways to help the planet and reduce our use of energy from fossil fuels. Solar is a great (and clean) alternative to energy created by fossil fuel. 

Advanced Power can provide your home or farmland with the solar panels and solar pump systems you need to keep your property green and help the planet as well! If solar energy is not the right choice for you, whether it is because you live in an area with little sunlight or your simply can’t afford the initial investment, it is  important that you try to conserve energy and electricity. Turn lights off when you leave, change your light bulbs and appliances to more energy efficient ones, and be more conscious of the electricity you use.

Now that you know a little bit more about the usage and conservation of water and electricity, we hope that you are more conscious of how much you and your family use and work hard to start conserving. The Business Connect article gives us a closer look at how much water we actually use and why it is so important that we reduce that usage. Read through their article to learn more and change the way you view and use natural resources. Contact Advanced Power today to get the solar equipment you need for your home or farmland. We look forward to helping you make a difference in your electrical use.

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